Organizational memberships

In addition to our individual memberships, we also offer business and organizational memberships. We encourage membership:

  • as a means to deepen partnership

  • as an entry point into co-curating sustainable solidarity economies (for instance, our small business members are invited to vend at our community events free of charge. Our business and organizational members are also included in our directory; our individual memberships are designed to encourage patronage at our member businesses/orgs.)

  • and for organizations we work alongside in our efforts to build political power in our communities

  • for businesses and organizations looking to deepen their investment in wellness-fueled, spiritually-aligned Black/Afro-Indigenous liberation

  • for businesses and organizations seeking to be in community with other healing- and liberatory-businesses and orgs

Our Organizational Memberships are yearly partnerships, and do not carry into subsequent years without renewal.


Grassroots Organizations and Collectives

For grassroots organizations and collectives doing the work of abolition; divesting/investing; building decolonized spaces, campaigns, and institutions; liberating Black and indigenous people; freeing the land; centering Black wellness and healing; freeing political prisoners; providing political education; building Black power; providing mutual aid; curating Black or afro-indigenous led community care. Becoming a member of Herb & Temple gives you access to workshops, educational spaces, and coalition-building to build your org’s power, skill, and capacity, in community with other radical grassroots orgs. If your org cannot afford this membership investment, please email our Founder and Chair to apply for a scholarship.

Exchange: $150 yearly, and monthly workshops, strategy sessions, and weekly political education


Black-Owned Small Businesses

For small Black-owned businesses interested in building cooperative economy with us. Our Business Members are invited to vend at our community events free of charge. Our business and organizational members are also included in our directory. Following our org principles, our individual memberships are designed to incentivize patronage at our member businesses/orgs.

Exchange: $250 yearly, with a guaranteed 3-5 free vending events yearly, and investment in our monthly Community Care events


Black-Led Non-Profit Organizations

For larger Black-led non-profits doing the work of abolition; divesting/investing; building decolonized spaces, campaigns, and institutions; ; centering Black wellness and healing; creating Black-led policy and advocacy; reforming the criminal legal system; providing political education; providing services; curating Black or afro-indigenous led community care; mobilizing constituents. Becoming a member of Herb & Temple at this level brings your org into direct coalition with grassroots activists and community leaders (which is missing from the current policy and advocacy landscape); but also reallocates resources toward liberatory work that is community-led and directly oriented toward Black liberation and sovereignty.

Exchange: $350, $550, or $750 annually